Modern Farmsteads

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Salad Burnet Egg Salad


  • 12 hard-boiled eggs shelled and diced

  • 10-15 stems of burnet - remove the leaves and chop

  • 8 stems of fresh thyme - remove the leaves and chop

  • 3/4 cup of high-quality mayonnaise

  • 1 Armenian cucumber or other types of cucumber


1. Prepare your eggs, shell them and dice them, putting them into a mixing bowl
2. Chop the burnet and sprinkle the leaves over the eggs.
3. Remove the thyme leaves from their stems and add to the mixture.
4. If you have an Armenian cucumber (or a European cucumber that has thin skin) take a fork and run the tines down the outside of the skin all the way around the cucumber. Roughly chop into small pieces and add to the bowl. If you don’t have a European cucumber just peel and chop it.
5. Add the mayonnaise and a few grinds of salt and pepper. 
6. Toss it all together - add more mayo if it needs it. 
7. Chill and serve on toast or crackers or frankly on its own.