Culinary Gardens
What if you were able to have the benefits of farm-to-table cooking through bringing the farm in-house? If you could harvest herbs, edible flowers, and vegetables when you need them?
Once established, your culinary garden will cut costs year after year.
The Culinary Farmsteads team is able to design, build, and maintain custom culinary gardens to suit your particular needs in the materials and style that works best for your space and budget. (On roofs, patios, in window boxes, growing vertically, rotationally, and or indoors via grow-light systems…the ideas are endless.)
Enjoy delicate herbs and edible flowers just outside the kitchen door, creating the colors and flavors of your favorite dishes.
Under your direction, we will create season-long garden plans of flavor-first, heirloom varieties that will add dimension, fresh flavor, color, and interest to seasonal recipes and cocktails.
Queen of Malinalco, tomatillos copyright 2020