Rosemary Chicken Bacon Skewers

Ingredients: (serves 4 as a main)

  • 4-5 small chicken breasts

  • 12 Rosemary stems (I save mine in the freezer as I use the leaves in other dishes)

  • 12 thin bacon slices

  • 2 cloves of minced garlic

  • juice of 1/2 a lemon

  • a couple of glugs of olive oil


  1. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stems if you haven’t already, and cut sharp points on the ends. Soak the Rosemary stems in water for 30-60 minutes.

  2. Bash the extra rosemary leaves with a mortar & pestle. Cut the chicken into 1-inch pieces and marinate in lemon juice, the olive oil, crushed rosemary leaves, salt and pepper, and minced garlic for 4 hours - up to overnight.

  3. Take a strip of raw bacon and push the Rosemary skewer through the bottom end then add a chicken piece and then continue to weave the bacon over and under more pieces of chicken tightly leaving one inch at the top and bottom.

  4. Grill or broil until the chicken is cooked through and the bacon is crispy.

  5. Serve with Caesar salad or rice and grilled asparagus.

Christina Manning Lebek